Jonathan's Blog

or Random things that pop in to his head that he decides to write down for future evidence

Main Blog | Electric Motorcycle | Electric Jeep | Battery Research

July 8th, 2017

I've deciede to start a blog.... for reasons that even baffle me. I think it may be due to failing memory, but I can't remember that happening. I've decided to break off into seperate blogs the various projects I'm doing so that. The first will be the Electric motorcycle I'm working on which can be found here If I ever have any improtatant thoughts they will probably end up here after this entry... Or everything else could be rubbish... I guess we will tell from the result.

May 23th, 2018

Wow... Almost a year and no updates... Guess I'm not good at this. The Motorcycle project was halted for 2 reasons:

1) Components are smaller and have to be reworked with care to take up the least amount of room... also its just time consuming.

2) Gas Prices REALLY went up.

So for these 2 reasons alone I decided to Build an electric Jeep for my Wife. I've added a link at the top to a blog (although a little late starting... but its not too far along).

June 9th, 2018

I've continued work on the Jeep electronics and I am also working on research for new batteries, well, actually they are super capacitors. I've included a link at the top of the page and here. I also have started a gofundme campaign to try to speed up the research. Funding it myself is a little slow. The campaign can be found here.

July 8th, 2017
May 23rd, 2018
June 9th, 2018